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Vigor Blue Playing Cards TWPCC

$11.99 USD

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Vigor Blue Playing Cards TWPCC

$11.99 USD

A little reintroduction. 

Vigor Playing Cards was designed by Alvin Herp and Edo Huang, who both have made their names in the card/cardistry/magic community. 

The cards feature minimal yet practical designs to encourage their owners to shuffle with vigor. 

Same design. Different color. 

Now we would love to introduce the next chapter of Vigor Playing Cards: Blue Edition. 

The cards feature the same design but with a different touch of color. 

Enhanced quality. 

We did not merely print the cards in another color -- we raised the bar. 

Having listened to our beloved supporters, we are pleased to introduce a softer and thinner stock. The manufacturer, BOMBMAGIC, calls it Luxury Stock. We call it one of the best card stocks ever. 

Finish-wise, the paper features the same famous Royal Finish from BOMBMAGIC that has been endorsed and loved by many. 

Compared to the Red edition, this new edition owns a less "oily" feel, but can still fan beautifully and transform into packets easily. 

Produced by BOMBMAGIC, Printed by TWPCC (Taiwan Playing Card Company).

2017 Release.

"Vigor Playing Cards is just my first take on designing a custom deck, like a chance to show people what my own deck of cards would look like. The deck is named Vigor because I think when doing whatever we do in life, we all need a bit of enthusiasm, and we have put a lot of it in this deck. We cannot wait to see people shuffle with vigor as well." 
- Alvin Herp, Creator of Vigor Playing Cards 

"Vigor is a striking, bold and all around beautiful deck of playing cards. It is wonderful to see how Alvin and Edo kept Cardistry in mind when designing every aspect of this deck. The colors match perfectly, and the simplicity of the design makes it all the more enjoyable to look at. Additionally, and I say this as a Cardist who has never been a huge fan of borderless designs, they managed to pull off just that in a fantastic and beautiful way." 
- Julian Stiber, Usagi Creative Studios 

"Rad deck. Edo Huang also needs no introduction. A must for Cardists and collectors." 
- Benjamin Loo, Mantecore Playing Cards 

"Vigor Playing Cards is the sort of thing this community really needs. More decks based on Cardistry will continue to push us forward as artists." 
- James Milaras, Joker and the Thief 

"Simplicity speaks wonders - Vigors have intriguing shapes and easy-to-recognize designs that will shape the way you do Cardistry. I personally love the movement towards cards, specifically for Cardistry. It's not just a step, but a huge leap in the right direction." 
- Sean, Idlehands 

"The spirit of Vigor Playing Cards is very similar to what I create the BOMBMAGIC. It's fascinating, especially the one-way star in the middle. Spin the card to see how it is amazing!" 
- Hanson Bomb, Founder of BOMBMAGIC

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