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Truth & Lies 6 Deck Set

$19.99 USD

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Truth & Lies 6 Deck Set

$19.99 USD

Truth & Lies 6 Deck Set

You will receive all 6 variations in this specially priced set, supply is limited. You can purchase the decks individually or as a 2 deck set here.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." 

Truth and Lies Playing Cards represents the dual nature of deception and honesty. They are two sides of the same coin, both interwoven deeply within every magic trick. A parade of ornate lies are what spectators are driven to see, while the bare and unembellished truth is ignored and often hidden in plain sight. 

Art directed and conceived by Jason Brumbalow and masterfully illustrated by Bobby Haiqalsyah and Lance Miller, Truth and Lies Playing Cards was crafted to remind us of the Lies we share, the Truths we bury, and the duality of both. These playing cards strike the balance between two forces and combines them into a collectible set that blends one design into the next. 

You'll be thrilled with the three different versions of Truth decks (each deck having a different embossed phrase on the tuck case), and three different versions of Lies decks (again, each deck having a different embossed phrase on the tuck case). The embossed phrase illustrates that the distinction between truth and lies may not be as clear-cut as you'd think! Your spectators will be fascinated with these decks. 

Sometimes the truth is just the lie we tell ourselves, but sometimes true magic can be found in the lies we tell others. Murphy's Magic is proud to present Truth and Lies Playing Cards. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Okay for card games or collectors, not for magic or cardistry

This collection includes three Lies Decks and three Truth Decks, each of which has a different phrase related to this theme in beautiful blind embossing on the tuck case. The tuck boxes are especially great. The cards themselves within the three Lies decks are identical, and those in the Truth decks also match each other exactly.

The card backs have a bordered design with intricate diamonds and patterns, but the Lies deck has a white back design with gold coloured design, while the Truth deck is a black back with light blue shapes.

The handling of the decks is slightly disappointing. My educated guess is that these cards have been printed by NPCC or by the same factory they use. The cards are very snappy, have a very smooth edge, but they don’t always fan the most evenly, and tend to clump a little after some use. Just don’t expect something that's high performance. These cards are great for collectors due to their brilliant design of the cards and tuck case, and they'll also be fine for playing card games, but I wouldn't use them for card magic or card flourishing.

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