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The Planets: Earth Playing Cards USPCC

$19.99 USD

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The Planets: Earth Playing Cards USPCC

$19.99 USD

The Planets is a collection of decks representing the planets in our solar system. The series starts with planets closest to the sun, and then moves outwards into the surrounding universe. The third deck of this series is Earth, featuring our version of standard human courts. This is the most luxurious Vanda deck series to date, with tuckbox features that include green holographic foil, white foil, interior foiling, and embossing. 

You'll marvel at this celestial collection!

2018 Release

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Our home!

Although we are known to be a "blue" planet, in this series of decks, that one belongs to Neptune. This one however highlights the "Mother Earth" aspect in it's green colored box and card back combined with the the giant tree of life that functions as one of its jokers. The courts are reinterpretations of the standard court cards. As such, they are recognizable, but different and therefore fits the theme of the deck. Although not the most creative of the Planet series, the deck pays homage to our planet through very accurate rendition of our planet on the cards.


Being the third deck of the series, I was a little worried that the decks were just going to be all the same. That is not the case. The art work is all unique and neat. Great back design too.

Daniel C Costarell
The journey!

I'll try to generalize this as best I can, for the sake of touching on points common to all of the planets decks, as there is a lot of good to say about each individual deck, but it would take too much time to do it in that fashion. Each deck in the Planet series is completely custom, featuring one way backs, completely custom court cards and spot cards (all custom fonts and pips), and two non-identical jokers. One joker features some sort of creature that might have come from that planet, the other joker features some character or artwork that is representative of that planet. Each deck also includes an advertisement card and a "solar system" card which indicates where that particular planet is in the solar system. The Pluto deck is the one "odd man out", as it's smaller than the rest and comes enclosed in a magnetic hardened plastic case. The Pluto cards are a "mini" deck which, as of this writing, are NOT included if you are purchasing the Planets series all together as a set from this website. Also of note is that the faces of the Pluto cards have a mirror type finish, but do not include the aforementioned advertisement card of solar system card. These decks look particularly attractive as a set, displayed in order on your bookshelf. When all is said and done, these are fantastic cards, and a true collector would want to have every deck from this series in their collection.

Brad Bailey
Earth - 3rd in The Planets Series

The Earth deck is the third deck in a series of eight decks. One deck representing each of the eight planets in our solar system. This one is full of many traditional designs since it represents the Earth, which is home to playing cards. All of the decks have a very cohesive design structure. Each court card is unique. It is really one of the best done playing card series and the standard decks with their different colors look great together.

The decks are produced by Vanda Cards and are designed by Srdjan Vidakovic, a graphic designer in Serbia that does vintage and retro designs for mostly breweries and distilleries. The decks are printed by USPCC, so they handle great. Clove St Press printed the tuck boxes.

If I had any criticism of the deck it is that I wish the green on the back of the cards was a bit darker to more closely match the green on the tuck box.

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