The Game of Authors Compendium Book USGS
$69.99 USD
The Game of Authors Compendium Book
More Than 300 Different Editions of Authors Card Games From 1861 to the Present PLUS A Selection of Writings From 40 Authors
This massive compendium reproduces in full color the graphics that appear on over 300 American editions of Authors Card Game dating from 1861 to the present. The collection by U.S. Games Systems also presents selected poems and popular phrases from forty 18th and 19th century authors.
The Authors Compendium book is divided into five sections, starting with the Dr. Busby card games dating from 1843. The next section presents four different editions of the 1861 Authors Card Game. A selection of published writings from 19th century authors are included for the readers’ enjoyment. The main section of the book reproduces the cards fronts and backs, portraits of the authors, and the charming box covers. The book also includes Authors Card Games from foreign language publishers, and other card games that employ the Authors method of game play.
This historical book is for everyone interested in card games in general, and especially about the Authors Card Game. It is an invaluable reference work for researchers and libraries. Collectors will enjoy the opportunity to see so many Authors Card Games from a private collection never seen before in one location.
Size 8” x 10.5”, 476 pp., color illus., hc.
Language EN
Author Stuart R. Kaplan and William G. Miller