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Skelstrument Playing Cards USPCC

$11.99 USD
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Skelstrument Playing Cards USPCC

$11.99 USD

Skelstrument Playing Cards

A October 2021 Pip Box Club Selection - For more information on joining Pip Box Club click here

Hear and feel the buttery soft flutter of Skelstrument Playing Cards as the cards move against each other... creating a rhythm every cardist and magician knows. So satisfying. The snappy sound when they are shuffled. The slightest whisper when fanned.

The purple and black bar on the card faces creates an incredibly striking design when the cards are fanned, squared or flourished... tying every card together like notes on a sheet of music.

EVERY element (pips, Courts, fronts and backs) on each card has been artistically drawn marrying the human skeleton, music, and the visual representation of sound.

Skelstrument Playing Cards pay respect to your fingers... your finely tuned instruments. Create magic. Create art. Create music.
  • Includes 2 gaff cards
  • Designed by Abraham Sanchez
  • Printed by US Playing Card Company
  • 2019 Release

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Shane Riley
Interesting face-up fans

The double stripe bleed on the faces makes for a nice fan pattern. The illustrations are great for when you need to grab a fun design on October.

Love the court card art

Great card design - the face of each card creates a fantastic looking fan. This is the perfect deck to add to a Halloween display.

Mr. Opps
Dooty-Scary Skeletons!

I wasn't fully sure what to expect when I ordered these, but I'm very glad I did. For a design that is reminiscent of an old meme (the Doot Doot Skeleton), these are slick and full of spirit.

The pips are unique, with a few ribs on every card. The faces are all unique and distinct, giving a more premium feel than the price would let on. They feel exactly like a USPCC deck on Bicycle stock should. I kind of love them for the Halloween season, but I think I'll probably rotate them in through the rest of the year too.

Can't go wrong with them.

Vovka morkovka
Колода из пип бокс

Получил данную колоду из пип бокс.
Это одна из тех колод которую я ни когда бы ни купил , как то не впечатлила , и обзора на неë не видел. Но решив еë открыть был примного удивлëн . Не буду многословен, но это очень достойная колода карт! 9/10

My New Favorite!

I'd been eyeing this deck for a while, and I got lucky that they just recently included it in Pip Box! Might seem a bit out there that someone themed a whole deck just around skeletons playing the saxophone, but that's also why I love it! It's fully custom, with ribcages on every pip, and center stripes on either edge, giving a nice look to the fan. The best part is definitely the court cards. Different designs on each court, even though they may look very similar at first glance. Great joker designs as well. Not really a deck I use for magic, but a great choice for game night.

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