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Rogue Amethyst Purple Marked Playing Cards MPC

$13.99 USD

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Rogue Amethyst Purple Marked Playing Cards MPC

$13.99 USD

Rogue Amethyst Purple Marked Playing Cards

A December 2019 Pip Box Club Selection - For more information on joining Pip Box Club click here.

?Rogue Amethyst Purple Playing Cards is a modern take on classic casino-style playing cards.

What makes this deck different from any normal deck of cards is the integrated marking system. The marking system is easy to learn, yet spectators that are unaware of the markings will not notice the markings. The face cards utilize a new suit design with recolored standard court cards. The face cards also display the pips/value of the cards on all four corners of each card, making it easy for poker players to take a sneak peek at their card without lifting it off the table (although this deck is being sold for entertainment purposes only).

Only 1000 decks were printed by MPC. Designed by JasonNguyenDesigns


  • Gloss tuck box finish
  • Traditionally cut
  • 4 corner pips
  • Custom suits/pips
  • Standard Court cards without border
  • Borderless back design
  • Marking system on back design
  • Poker hand info card
  • 2019 Release

The marking system is simplistic and easy to remember. The back design itself will not have the red color; it is just there as an indication of where the marking is. The marking system layout uses 4 circles forming a diamond, and 4 squares forming a bigger square. These markings are found at the top left corner. You can tell because the markings will have a thicker/bolder line than the others. Those who know where the markings are could easily spot them, but it can also be easily looked over by anyone (maybe even magicians or cheats).

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Даже если не учитывать систему маркировки , всë равно стоит того чтобы купить , очень красивый цвет и дизайн. Колода для жульничества!

chris kinkead
cross eye

the back design is great but if you stare at it too long you will go cross eyed! this is probably to stop you from deducing the marking system.


I love marked decks, it just adds to the overall deck if you use cards for magic. Without having the white border, you may see use of wear and tear on the ends but that’s to be expected.

Overall a good deck

Without having a lot of experience with card markings, I did find the marking system relatively easy to learn and, with practice, to detect. The cards handle well and the back design is attractive. After using the cards several times, I must say I find the stylized club and diamond pips annoying, especially since the heart and spade pips are entirely standard. The tuck box is unremarkable. Overall a good deck.

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