I got these via the loyalty rewards program - good deal! The card backs are one-way, but I like the fact that both the backs and faces all have a vintage/distressed look with a dusty brown canvas. The artwork is photo-realistic, and it's a bit of a pity that all the Kings have identical art, as do the Queens, and also the Jacks, so you get three instead of 12 different art pieces for the courts. On the other hand you do get another picture on all the Aces, and also two more different ones on the Jokers, so that helps. The pips are outlined line work for a very customized look, so that give the entire deck a very custom feel. The card stock is embossed/air cushion finish so they handle great. Two extra cards with rules for Texas Holdem and poker rankings are a nice inclusion as well. So overall an average deck - but compared with a "normal" Bicycle deck it's got good customization and has real appeal, especially if the Rodeo theme suits.