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Red One-Way Forcing Deck - J of Clubs

$7.99 USD

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Red One-Way Forcing Deck - J of Clubs

$7.99 USD

Red One-Way Forcing Deck (jc)

A one-way forcing deck is a clever tool used in magic tricks. Here’s how it works:

  1. Card Duplication: All the cards in the deck are identical, except for one card that sits on the face of the deck, concealing the secret. This card is the one you want to force upon your audience.

  2. Presentation: When you present the deck to a spectator, they can only see the card on top. Since all the other cards are identical, the spectator assumes that the entire deck consists of different cards.

  3. Forcing: You subtly force the spectator to choose the top card (the one you want them to pick). They believe it’s a free choice, but in reality, you’ve manipulated the situation to ensure they select the desired card.

  4. Misdirection: During the trick, you distract the audience’s attention away from the secret card, making the force seem even more natural.

Remember, practice and smooth execution are key to making this deception work seamlessly! 

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