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Pipmen World Full Art Playing Cards MPC

$14.99 USD

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Pipmen World Full Art Playing Cards MPC

$14.99 USD

Pipmen World Full Art Playing Cards

'What is Pipmen?' 
Pips are the suit symbols on the card face - the spade, heart, diamond, or club indicators. In addition to this standard element, each Pipmen card has little stickmen figures interacting with the pips to create a unique scene. So Pipmen is the Pip-men! Get it?

  • Gorgeous wraparound box art
  • Thick luxurious paper stock
  • Printed by MPC
  • World's first 52-piece self-contained Polyptych puzzle
What sets this project apart from every other deck on the planet? What makes this a totally unique, world-first, revolutionary creation unlike anything else ever? First of all, it's beautiful!
  • 4885 different design layers
  • 150 individual Pipmen
  • 54 unique cards
  • 32 months of design time
  • 16 different terrains
  • 6 UFOs
  • 5 Eagles
  • 4 Skeletons
  • 3 Cows
  • 2 Rockets
  • 1 Pipmen World
This deck is absolutely unique because while every single card is a fun, little self-contained scene, they all fit together into one big picture - the Pipmen world! 
There have been a few other decks that have had a composite feature, but Pipmen World stands alone. This deck is the first of its kind in the world because:
  • Every individual card is a self-contained picture.
  • The face pictures are integral to the symbols on the card face, not just an abstract background pattern.
  • All the pictures fit together to form a self-contained, single stunning work of art.
Each card is both an individual picture and a usable playing card. The artwork is fun, creative, and playful. 
The cards are so beautiful that they deserve a special tuckbox to house them. For the full art version of Pipmen World, we took the global picture and wrapped it around the tuckbox so that you get the full panoramic effect! 
You will enjoy using this absolutely beautiful deck. You and those with you will enjoy building the jigsaw puzzle, and what a magical effect this could be as well!

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

This deck of cards is unique in that it's a "polyptych puzzle." It's cool to see all the cards come together to create a world, yet each card is a self-contained scene. If it wasn't for the uniqueness of the deck, I would have knocked at least 1 star off due to the handling. Similar to the Shadow Pipmen deck, It doesn't handle as well as other decks. It's not TERRIBLE, but it's nothing to brag about either. The whole pipmen series is charming and is sure to delight, especially with kids. As a collector, I think it's a great deck!

Bux Wild
Gorgeous and fun

I didn’t realize these were a whole puzzle when I bought them lol. Turns out all the cards make this giant gorgeous image that truly is stunning to look at. The only reason I said 4 and not 5 is because the cards themselves are not the best. They don’t handle well at all but I can assure you they are pretty to look at. The pip box is like the puzzle box. The backs are cool but not as cool as the fronts. They don’t fan well either. Still worth buying. Definitely a collectors dream deck.

Eric Lee
Amazing world full of fun details

This is the ultimate transformation deck where not only are the pips used as part of a picture in the card, but the cards themselves form 1 large complete picture. From underground, to land , to sea, sky and ultimately outer space, this deck covers it all. The joker bookend the picture very well, with one painting the sky and the other carrying the earth ala Atlas.

There are so many fun details packed into this deck that you should take the time to slowly go through it to enjoy this amazing work. (See if you can find Sherlock Holmes!)This was a Kickstarter project and there were actually 2 decks released. This MPC printed deck with borderless fronts was actually released after the 1st one was funded, so it can be considered a V2 deck. The 1st one was printed by LPCC and included white borders on the card front. So while the cardstock is better with LPCC, but the borderless pictures are better with the MPC one.

This is a worthy addition to any collection just for the sheer creativity and how different it is from all your other decks.

EndersGame Reviewer
One of my all time favourite decks as a collector

Love this deck. You can join ALL the cards together to make a single larger picture, and it is a fun puzzle for people to do (typically takes 15-20 minutes). The final picture is very detailed, and includes land and sky, cityscape, ocean scene, and more. Each card also looks great as an independent piece of art, and the indices are still very clear so you can still use it for playing card games. Terrific deck, highly recommend.

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