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NOC Summer Orange Playing Cards Deck EPCC

$14.99 USD
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NOC Summer Orange Playing Cards Deck EPCC

$14.99 USD

Bold, Simple, and Elegant. Perfect for Summer Fun

Summer is a time for fun and freedom. Whether you're getting together with the guys for poker night or performing magic for strangers on the beach, it's a perfect time for a fresh pack of cards! The Summer NOC deck shares the strikingly simple design and thin borders as the NOC v2 deck, now in vibrant Orange and Light Blue colors.

Custom Tuck, Ace, and Jokers

The custom box matches the minimalism of the cards and carries an inspirational quote about the art and philosophy of keeping your mind, body, soul, and possessions free from clutter and distraction. The Ace of Spades and Jokers also carry a minimalistic yet attractive design. The court cards have been simplified and carry a color scheme that reflects the core NOC lineup.

Marking System & Free Video with Purchase

The NOC v2 backs have also been marked in a subtle yet easy-to-read manner that allows you to know the SUIT (not value) of any card at a glance. When you purchase the NOC deck from HOPC, you will receive a free video download starring Alex Pandrea that teaches you how to use the marking system, as well as use the included duplicate card to perform amazing feats of magic.

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