Neoclassic Bicycle Playing Cards
Bicycle Neoclassic Playing Cards combines the new with the old. Its tuck design displays the moving cycle of time. It mixes the classic design with the new, and puts it all together in an endless circle.
"Neo-Classic", New... Classic... standard - the vintage design that we all know has been reinvented here, redesigned in a new, modern form and style. Notice its version of colors (warm and cold, red and blue mixed with the old gold, yellowish color). The goal was to achieve a perfect mix, a balance between a Modern and Vintage look. This we have achieved!
We wanted to keep all the important elements of classic cards: a basic style, each court card (K,Q,J) facing the same direction as in the classic cards (one eyed King, suicide King, etc.). In our Bicycle Neoclassic Playing Cards, the faces have more depth (still a simplified style, but not flat), including the hair style. Everything else is designed in order to achieve a dynamic play with lines and colors, but also with a hint of that 3D feel -- you'll be able to connect several carefully-placed ornaments into one solid, realistic figure (K,Q and J). Truly a mixture of old and new - Neoclassic!
- Printed by USPCC
- Bicycle Branded
- Custom Pips
- Air-Cushion Finish
- Custom Seal
- 2017 Release