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Natural Symphony Semi-Transformation Playing Cards USGS

$5.99 USD

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Natural Symphony Semi-Transformation Playing Cards USGS

$5.99 USD

Natural Symphony Playing Cards

This charming deck is suitable for most card games and makes a delightful gift.

Bridge Size.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
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Довольно интересная колода карт. Полностью соглашусь с EndersGame что просто необходима покерная версия этой колоды, качественная версия , выпущенную USPCC, и с улучшенной обратной стороной карты. На неё будет определённо спрос!

Magnificent transformation artwork - needs a new poker-sized edition printed by USPCC!

I love transformation playing cards, and the artwork here is one of the best I've ever seen. The four suits each represent a different type of animal/plant, e.g. insects (diamonds), fish (spades), birds (hearts), flowers (clubs). The artwork is truly spectacular, and the artist deserves congratulating for the splendid creativity.

Now for the negatives:
1. It's bridge sized instead of poker sized.
2. The cards are printed by US Games Systems, so they have no embossing, and they handle and shuffle very poorly.
3. The card backs are unimaginative, with far too much white space.

I collect transformation decks, so I'm still glad I have this deck. But I'm sure hoping that one day we'll see a poker-sized edition of this deck, in a quality edition produced by USPCC, and with an improved card back.

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