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Kings of India Playing Cards Deck

$17.99 USD
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Kings of India Playing Cards Deck

$17.99 USD

Kings of India Playing Cards illustrates the four greatest dynasties of India to share the extravagance and beauty of India’s story. That’s a big ask for a deck of cards, so here’s how we're going to do it: 

Every inch of this deck has been custom-illustrated from scratch by our Montreal-based design studio, Humble Raja. We’re the same detail-obsessed duo from Apartment 4 design, so you can rest assured that we've even taken the time to draw chest hair. 

Each court card reveals the bold personality of a legendary monarch of India, his queen and future successor. We have consulted books, artifacts, documentaries, architecture and sculptures to exemplify their contribution to India’s story visually through the details and design of each character.

Kings of India will be professionally printed by the United States Playing Card Company [USPCC], the same makers of the Bicycle® and Bee® brand, casino-grade playing cards. This means exceptional quality used by the pros, all made in the USA. 

As Humble Raja, we use design as a means to access and explore India’s rich culture. Kings of India creates a way to share the legacies of four extensive, prosperous and culturally innovative dynasties based on their boldest kings. Regardless of age, culture and language, these playing cards will allow you to discover some extravagant characters, surprising facts and curiosities of India’s culture; what you find inside might just spark an unexpected interest. 

We have obsessed over every detail; this is why Kings of India will be made in North America by one of the world’s leading manufacturers of premium playing cards. The United States Playing Card Company [USPCC] has 125 years of expertise with a reputable history of producing decks of high quality. With a ‘magic’ finish and strict production standards, Kings of India will be of exceptional quality so your cards not only last longer but handle smoother for shuffling, dealing and tricks.

Peacock tuck with full-wrap gold foil design + printed inner 

Embossed details on the tuck 

Bicycle grade, poker-size cards (2.5" x 3.5") 

Air-cushioned finish for extra smooth handling 

Completely custom back design, pips and fonts 

Court cards with bold personalities + 4 iconic aces

Unique set of jokers + 2 bonus cards (diptychs revealing historic facts)

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