The card and print quality is great, as expected from any USPCC deck, but I think a couple of the design choices leave a little something to be desired. The red color that was chosen for the hearts/diamonds/face card art is muted, which I think is a great idea, but it's just a bit too muted when compared to the starkness of the black ink, and they shifted the red a little too close to orange. I think it just makes them look a little off, versus having a cohesive style. If the hue of the red was closer to pure red, and the blacks weren't so midnight-dark, I think it would have looked perfect. Also the back of the tuck box is frankly uninspired, I think they easily could have done without the image of the cards and done something else. And lastly, one cards in the deck had what seemed to be a faint, greasy fingerprint on it that wiped off easily, but still probably shouldn't have been there. All of that being said, it's still a fine deck for drinks and poker.