Hunters of York Playing Cards NPCC
Hunters of York Playing Cards
Only sold as a set. Custom numbered seals will have matching numbers.
A 17th century deck of fine art playing cards set in York, 1636. Inspired by the witch hunting era and the Tulip Mania. Hunters of York (HoY) is the first volume in the new Florus Drama series by artist Nicolai Aaroe.
100% custom design by artist Nicolai Aaroe, illustrated in collaboration with Martin Helgren. Each edition is a set of 54 poker sized playing cards printed in a limited print run of 2,500.
Tucks manufactured with a textured soft touch stock, gold & copper metal foils, numbered seals and deluxe embossing. Decks printed by NPCC with metallic pantones on the card backs for extraordinary elegance.
2019 Release