These are "Bridge Sized" cards, so they're the same length top to bottom as regular playing cards (maybe just the slightest pinch longer), but not as wide by a noticeable margin. These have a standard Hoyle shell back design. The card fronts are nothing special, there is no embellishment, as they were made for those with poor eyesight. The corner pips and fonts are larger than life, and each card has a single large pip in the center as opposed to either standard court faces or the correct number of pips. The only embellishment whatsoever is that the ace of spades has a red border inside of the black spade, and also contains the word "Hoyle". One interesting note about this deck is that it does come with two full sized jokers, with the famous "Hoyle jester" making a much appreciated appearance. This is the only deck that Hoyle makes (to my knowledge) that still includes two Hoyle jester cards which are full sized (as opposed to the ridiculous and altogether very boring "According to Hoyle" style joker). What's more, for this particular deck, the areas on the costume of the jester that are normally colored yellow have been replaced with grey instead, differentiating these jokers as belonging specifically to this deck as opposed to other Hoyle decks. While this deck isn't anything spectacular (unless you have poor vision and need an extra large font), longtime fans of our old jester friend from Hoyle may wish to have this in their collection solely for that purpose.