Highlanders 1864 Reproduction Playing Cards USGS
Highlanders 1864 Reproduction Playing Cards
U.S. Games Systems, Inc. is proud to reproduce this important deck of playing cards from America’s past. The 1864 Poker Deck is faithfully reproduced from an authentic Civil War era Poker deck. As with the original 1864 Highlander deck, the cards in this 55-card deck have square corners. The deck has full-length, single-ended court cards. The box features a reproduction of the original tax stamps with hand cancellation dated June 2, 1864. The deck includes two informational cards, which provide a brief history of Early American Playing Cards. An additional card presents the original blue Ace of Spades with an eagle beneath 13 stars and the name L.I. Cohen on the bottom. Perfect for Civil War re-enactors and history buffs.
These poker size playing cards are published by US Games Systems and printed in Italy.