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Gypsy Witch Spanish Fortune Telling Playing Cards USGS

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Gypsy Witch Spanish Fortune Telling Playing Cards USGS

$7.99 USD

Gypsy Witch Spanish Fortune Telling Playing Cards

Gypsy Witch® Fortune Telling Playing Cards combines traditional card inserts with unique symbolic images to give profoundly insightful readings. Meanings and keywords are given for each individual card as well as for various card combinations and spreads. Cards and instructions in Spanish are given for the fascinating method of reading and understanding the deck.

Weight 0.55 lb(s)
ISBN 978-1-64671-053-9
Size Box measures 5.63" x 3.63"; Cards measure 2.25" x 3.5"
Language ES

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Excellent condition. I thought these were bicycle at first but I guess just the English variant is branded.


The cards came open with no wrap around them, and I think they’re probably defective because the English version that I bought fit, correctly into the deck protector I bought for them, and this one did not fit in the deck protector I bought for the play cards

Mago Aficionado
Absenta en las caras... incienso pachuli al dorso

Si te interesa la cartomancia, ¡esta baraja te va a encantar! Las cartas son duras, de acabado satinado y tamaño póker, así que resultan muy duraderas y manejables. La hojita informativa es muy útil para empezar a trabajar, y las frases que acompañan a cada carta te ayudarán muchísimo a establecer relaciones entre ellas y enriquecer tus lecturas. Cómprala sin dudarlo.

Vamos al diseño. Las caras, inspiradas en la baraja Lenormand, dibujan a plumilla unas imágenes decadentes, imperfectas... que contrastan con un dorso naif, rociado a aerógrafo sobre plantilla. Para mi gusto, con un dorso más sobrio (tipo tarot, floral o abstracto) sería una baraja bellísima y evocadora de los inicios del Espiritismo. Pero este dorso me lleva a la New Age, con ese look pulp de pastiche. Que también tiene mucho encanto, ojo, pero es distinto. Si te gusta una estética más mística, más sobria, o si eres mentalista, vas a echar de menos un mejor acabado y corte; y unos dorsos un poquito menos horteras. De ahí mis 4 estrellas.

En general, un mazo muy interesante tanto para el "echador de cartas" como para el mago o mentalista. Este último va a encontrar en él una herramienta con mucho potencial para practicar las ideas de Lewis Le Val o Paul Voudini.

Renee Lubert
Lenormand with extra cards

I had a deck of these 30 years ago and at the time had no real idea how to read these at the time, and had passed them off to a friend eventually. Fast-forward up to about 5 years ago, when I started to really get into reading Lenormand cards, and I stumbled on these cards again, and purchased a pack, and lo and behold, it clicked with me to read these like Lenormand. There is pretty much a whole Lenormand deck in the Gypsy Witch (although you have to use the Rapiers as the Cross if you want the Cross, but overall their meaning of hardships and problems are about the same). Because there are 54 cards, I think they give a bit more information than just a straight Lenormand. And they have 2 jokers, a red and a black, which can be used however one uses them in playing card reading (with their relation to the Fool in Tarot, a plan or journey with the potential to go well (red Joker) or poorly (black Joker). All in all, I love this deck so much I have purchased several duplicates to have one in my purse, upstairs at home, downstairs, in my suitcase for travel...just so I don't have to keep relocating them and they are always at-hand. Wonderful deck. If I only knew what I was missing "back then"...

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Excellent condition. I thought these were bicycle at first but I guess just the English variant is branded.


The cards came open with no wrap around them, and I think they’re probably defective because the English version that I bought fit, correctly into the deck protector I bought for them, and this one did not fit in the deck protector I bought for the play cards

Mago Aficionado
Absenta en las caras... incienso pachuli al dorso

Si te interesa la cartomancia, ¡esta baraja te va a encantar! Las cartas son duras, de acabado satinado y tamaño póker, así que resultan muy duraderas y manejables. La hojita informativa es muy útil para empezar a trabajar, y las frases que acompañan a cada carta te ayudarán muchísimo a establecer relaciones entre ellas y enriquecer tus lecturas. Cómprala sin dudarlo.

Vamos al diseño. Las caras, inspiradas en la baraja Lenormand, dibujan a plumilla unas imágenes decadentes, imperfectas... que contrastan con un dorso naif, rociado a aerógrafo sobre plantilla. Para mi gusto, con un dorso más sobrio (tipo tarot, floral o abstracto) sería una baraja bellísima y evocadora de los inicios del Espiritismo. Pero este dorso me lleva a la New Age, con ese look pulp de pastiche. Que también tiene mucho encanto, ojo, pero es distinto. Si te gusta una estética más mística, más sobria, o si eres mentalista, vas a echar de menos un mejor acabado y corte; y unos dorsos un poquito menos horteras. De ahí mis 4 estrellas.

En general, un mazo muy interesante tanto para el "echador de cartas" como para el mago o mentalista. Este último va a encontrar en él una herramienta con mucho potencial para practicar las ideas de Lewis Le Val o Paul Voudini.

Renee Lubert
Lenormand with extra cards

I had a deck of these 30 years ago and at the time had no real idea how to read these at the time, and had passed them off to a friend eventually. Fast-forward up to about 5 years ago, when I started to really get into reading Lenormand cards, and I stumbled on these cards again, and purchased a pack, and lo and behold, it clicked with me to read these like Lenormand. There is pretty much a whole Lenormand deck in the Gypsy Witch (although you have to use the Rapiers as the Cross if you want the Cross, but overall their meaning of hardships and problems are about the same). Because there are 54 cards, I think they give a bit more information than just a straight Lenormand. And they have 2 jokers, a red and a black, which can be used however one uses them in playing card reading (with their relation to the Fool in Tarot, a plan or journey with the potential to go well (red Joker) or poorly (black Joker). All in all, I love this deck so much I have purchased several duplicates to have one in my purse, upstairs at home, downstairs, in my suitcase for travel...just so I don't have to keep relocating them and they are always at-hand. Wonderful deck. If I only knew what I was missing "back then"...

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Excellent condition. I thought these were bicycle at first but I guess just the English variant is branded.


The cards came open with no wrap around them, and I think they’re probably defective because the English version that I bought fit, correctly into the deck protector I bought for them, and this one did not fit in the deck protector I bought for the play cards

Mago Aficionado
Absenta en las caras... incienso pachuli al dorso

Si te interesa la cartomancia, ¡esta baraja te va a encantar! Las cartas son duras, de acabado satinado y tamaño póker, así que resultan muy duraderas y manejables. La hojita informativa es muy útil para empezar a trabajar, y las frases que acompañan a cada carta te ayudarán muchísimo a establecer relaciones entre ellas y enriquecer tus lecturas. Cómprala sin dudarlo.

Vamos al diseño. Las caras, inspiradas en la baraja Lenormand, dibujan a plumilla unas imágenes decadentes, imperfectas... que contrastan con un dorso naif, rociado a aerógrafo sobre plantilla. Para mi gusto, con un dorso más sobrio (tipo tarot, floral o abstracto) sería una baraja bellísima y evocadora de los inicios del Espiritismo. Pero este dorso me lleva a la New Age, con ese look pulp de pastiche. Que también tiene mucho encanto, ojo, pero es distinto. Si te gusta una estética más mística, más sobria, o si eres mentalista, vas a echar de menos un mejor acabado y corte; y unos dorsos un poquito menos horteras. De ahí mis 4 estrellas.

En general, un mazo muy interesante tanto para el "echador de cartas" como para el mago o mentalista. Este último va a encontrar en él una herramienta con mucho potencial para practicar las ideas de Lewis Le Val o Paul Voudini.

Renee Lubert
Lenormand with extra cards

I had a deck of these 30 years ago and at the time had no real idea how to read these at the time, and had passed them off to a friend eventually. Fast-forward up to about 5 years ago, when I started to really get into reading Lenormand cards, and I stumbled on these cards again, and purchased a pack, and lo and behold, it clicked with me to read these like Lenormand. There is pretty much a whole Lenormand deck in the Gypsy Witch (although you have to use the Rapiers as the Cross if you want the Cross, but overall their meaning of hardships and problems are about the same). Because there are 54 cards, I think they give a bit more information than just a straight Lenormand. And they have 2 jokers, a red and a black, which can be used however one uses them in playing card reading (with their relation to the Fool in Tarot, a plan or journey with the potential to go well (red Joker) or poorly (black Joker). All in all, I love this deck so much I have purchased several duplicates to have one in my purse, upstairs at home, downstairs, in my suitcase for travel...just so I don't have to keep relocating them and they are always at-hand. Wonderful deck. If I only knew what I was missing "back then"...

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Excellent condition. I thought these were bicycle at first but I guess just the English variant is branded.


The cards came open with no wrap around them, and I think they’re probably defective because the English version that I bought fit, correctly into the deck protector I bought for them, and this one did not fit in the deck protector I bought for the play cards

Mago Aficionado
Absenta en las caras... incienso pachuli al dorso

Si te interesa la cartomancia, ¡esta baraja te va a encantar! Las cartas son duras, de acabado satinado y tamaño póker, así que resultan muy duraderas y manejables. La hojita informativa es muy útil para empezar a trabajar, y las frases que acompañan a cada carta te ayudarán muchísimo a establecer relaciones entre ellas y enriquecer tus lecturas. Cómprala sin dudarlo.

Vamos al diseño. Las caras, inspiradas en la baraja Lenormand, dibujan a plumilla unas imágenes decadentes, imperfectas... que contrastan con un dorso naif, rociado a aerógrafo sobre plantilla. Para mi gusto, con un dorso más sobrio (tipo tarot, floral o abstracto) sería una baraja bellísima y evocadora de los inicios del Espiritismo. Pero este dorso me lleva a la New Age, con ese look pulp de pastiche. Que también tiene mucho encanto, ojo, pero es distinto. Si te gusta una estética más mística, más sobria, o si eres mentalista, vas a echar de menos un mejor acabado y corte; y unos dorsos un poquito menos horteras. De ahí mis 4 estrellas.

En general, un mazo muy interesante tanto para el "echador de cartas" como para el mago o mentalista. Este último va a encontrar en él una herramienta con mucho potencial para practicar las ideas de Lewis Le Val o Paul Voudini.

Renee Lubert
Lenormand with extra cards

I had a deck of these 30 years ago and at the time had no real idea how to read these at the time, and had passed them off to a friend eventually. Fast-forward up to about 5 years ago, when I started to really get into reading Lenormand cards, and I stumbled on these cards again, and purchased a pack, and lo and behold, it clicked with me to read these like Lenormand. There is pretty much a whole Lenormand deck in the Gypsy Witch (although you have to use the Rapiers as the Cross if you want the Cross, but overall their meaning of hardships and problems are about the same). Because there are 54 cards, I think they give a bit more information than just a straight Lenormand. And they have 2 jokers, a red and a black, which can be used however one uses them in playing card reading (with their relation to the Fool in Tarot, a plan or journey with the potential to go well (red Joker) or poorly (black Joker). All in all, I love this deck so much I have purchased several duplicates to have one in my purse, upstairs at home, downstairs, in my suitcase for travel...just so I don't have to keep relocating them and they are always at-hand. Wonderful deck. If I only knew what I was missing "back then"...