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Egoism Ivory Playing Cards USPCC

$24.99 USD

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Egoism Ivory Playing Cards USPCC

$24.99 USD

Egoism Ivory Playing Cards

Egoism Ivory is the second deck of the Egoism Series, the "official deck" of Thirdway Industries. The courts resemble the classic french playing cards... with a TWI twist. Perfect for play and do magic. The main feature of Egoism Ivory is a full-bleed metallic copper background on every card.

  • Copper background on card faces
  • Ivory white effect on card backs and box
  • Not-so-standard court cards
  • Printed by USPCC
  • Traditional Cut
  • Bicycle Stock
  • Top quality metallic inks on cards and box
  • 4 different "tarots-like" jokers
  • 2500 units made
2022 Release

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Kevin Stokes

I have a grade for all of my decks just like a grade in school. I gave these a B- which is very good in my grading. Anything above a C+ are worthy of my Favorite decks display. It's a combination of the designs, the feel of the cards, the tuckbox, the backs of the cards, and other small attributes vs. the price of the deck. I love the design of these cards along with USCPP always has a great quality when it comes to the feel of the cards. The tuckbox is middle of the road, nothing really special, but nothing really bad either. Is this deck worth $24.99? No. This is more like a half that price. If I were someone looking at these to purchase, I would defiantly wait for them to be on sale. Which is what I did.


I don't want to knock these cards, but I'd say out of all the decks I've purchased from TWI these are the least interesting. It's no surprise that they're on discount, but if you like the design you'll love the deck. Card quality is excellent.

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