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A Motley Pack Royal Edition Playing Cards USPCC

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A Motley Pack Royal Edition Playing Cards USPCC

$14.99 USD

A Motley Pack Royal Edition Playing Cards

A July 2019 Pip Box Club Selection - For more information on joining Pip Box Club click here
My name is Sunish Chabba, and I, along with my friend & illustrator, Ishan Trivedi, are proud to introduce you to  "A Motley Pack - Transformation Playing Cards". 
This project is based on a rare & almost forgotten work of art & high creativity titled "On the Cards; Or, A Motley Pack" by the Australian writer, dramatist, journalist and publisher Garnet Walch that was published in Melbourne in 1875.  Published as a Pantomime in the form of a Christmas Annual, the book consists of 40 transformed playing cards illustrated by Australian poet George Gordon McCrae. WoPC notes that  George McCrae also wrote novels, stories, poetry, travel sketches and illustrated books. Some of his sketches may have been inspired by his travels to Mauritius and the Seychelles, as well as by Aboriginal people. 
I've always been fascinated by Transformation decks (playing cards) which are a unique deck of playing cards where the pips have been incorporated into a larger artistic image.  Some have estimated that around 70 different transformation decks were created throughout the entire nineteenth century, which by modern standards is a relatively small number. Transformation playing cards are a true collector's crave and weaving a whole story around those cards in the form of the book takes the creativity & innovation to another level. 
  • A full transformation deck
  • 56 unique cards with 100% custom and hand-drawn artwork
  • Premium Stock (Bee Casino Grade stock which is the highest quality card stock available @ United States Playing Card Company)
  • Embossed linen air cushion finish with performance coating
  • Poker Size (3.5" X 2.5")
  • 52 Cards + 2 Jokers + 2 extra cards
  • Custom tuck case with hand-drawn artwork
  • Made in USA by the United States Playing Card Company (USPCC)
  • Limited Edition of 1,000
  • 2019 Release


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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Весьма интересная колода карт

Необычная интересная тематическая
колода карт , да ещё и в хорошем качестве от uspcc , довольно редкое сочетание. Чтобы вас не терзали сомнения оставить её для коллекции или использовать для игры , то следует приобрести как минимум две!

Big impression

This deck is a fantastic deck for anyone that loves playing cards or Montey themed decks. Since they are made by USPCC,they have an awesome feel and quality too!

Absolute Must Have for Transformation Deck Collectors!

I received this deck in my July Pip Box subscription. To be honest, I slept on it for a moment... I thought "this seems a little generic," at first, but I know that only delivers the best of the best. If they sent it, it must be good. I didn't realize at the time it was a transformation deck, for which I'm a complete sucker! One look at these cards and I was immediately eating my words. This deck is a jaw-dropper and show-stopper. The hand-drawn art is expertly executed and takes my breath away every time. If you're a collector of transformation decks, you need this in your collection. If you're NOT a collector of transformation decks, I'm willing to bet that this deck will make you start seeking out and collecting them. A must have!

Creative and entertaining

New to transformation decks, and already a great admirer. These are fascinating. The artistic illustrations are lovely to look through.

Outstanding reproduction of a famous transformation deck

Transformation decks were very popular in the 19th century, and one of the most famous was created by George Gordon McCrae in 1875. First published in a Christmas Annual under the title "On the Cards" or "A Motley Pack", McCrae's illustrations consisted of 40 transformed playing cards.

Along with his friend and illustrator Ishan Trivedi, creator Sunish Chabba from Guru Playing Cards has made a valuable contribution to the world of custom playing cards by turning McCrae's remarkable illustrations into an actual and complete deck of playing cards. The artwork from the original book has been redrawn, and McCrae's set of 40 cards have been supplemented with 14 additional ones using similarly styled 19th century artwork.

Unlike some transformation playing cards, McCrae resisted the temptation to turn most of the pips into people, resulting in some very clever and humorous designs. The pictures were related to the book's story, which was written by the Australian writer Garnet Walch, and this undoubtedly accounts for the presence of some Australian animals and characters.

The Heritage Edition features a more austere colour scheme true to the original, while the Royal Edition features more colourful artwork, and indices on each card, so that they can be used for card games. It's a truly stunning deck of playing cards that will appeal to anyone who enjoys art, history, or playing cards. Highly recommended!

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