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Super NOC! v1 Playing Cards USPCC

$11.99 USD

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Super NOC! v1 Playing Cards USPCC

$11.99 USD

Super NOC! v1 Playing Cards

Inspired by Comic Book Culture, the Super NOC Playing Cards is a NEW series in the NOC brand. This is the 1st Edition version. There will be other versions based off different superheroes with different colors released next year. DON'T WAIT before they sell out! Limited number available and will NOT be reprinted.

  • Printed to perfection by The United States Playing Cards Company
  • Bicycle Premium Stock with Air-Cusion Finish
  • Marked for clubs, hearts, spades, and diamonds. 
  • X-RAY Secret Card Included - LEARN THE EFFECT HERE:
  • Blank Card Included 
  • 2018 Release

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

I really like the theming of the deck. The tuck case is definitely reminiscent of comic books and the cards yield a similar flavor to the superman motif. As far as NOCs go, very unique in combining the colors to create an iconic superman style deck. It's cool that it's simple yet elegant design that is very suitable for magicians. It comes with a blank facer and a gaff card in order to pull off a card trick themed from one of Superman's powers. Creative to say the list. As expected, the cards handle super as well. This is a must buy!.

kaleb mccall
These are my favorite

The comic book feel really gives this deck a special feel. The colors are really good and the gaff cards are useful too.

Wendale Snyder

I love this deck. They feel amazing. The colors and the tuck case make me think of superman. The card backs are simple but sexy. Definitely want more.

Eric Lee
Improved NOCs

Lovely tribute to comic books! The tuckbox takes you back to a time where comics cost only 10 cents and colours were bright. Only fitting that they started this series with the first superhero. As a comic book fan, I'm looking forward to this series. This is coming from one who only ever liked and bought the Red Gold NOC Outs and hated the rest.
On another note, I must admit that I could never really make out their marking system partly due to my poor eyesight. However with the 2 colour system on this series, it actually made the markings much easier to see if you know what to look for. This should be the way for all future NOCs!

Wendale Snyder
I'm in love.

I love this deck. I have always loved comic books so I had to have them. The design of the tuck case is simple but outstanding. Definitely makes you think of old superman comics. The cards handle amazingly. They have the easiest but very well hidden marking system. I will definitely be buying more as long as I can.

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