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Squeezers Playing Cards USPCC

$11.99 USD

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Squeezers Playing Cards USPCC

$11.99 USD

Squeezers Playing Cards

This juicy deck design has put a new twist on a simplistic concept. With our recognizable custom court cards and our bright, vibrant color pallet, this deck is perfect for any magician or cardist. We have also taken our organic concept a step further with a juice box tuck case. 

Our favorite thing is you can squeeze every drop of goodness out of our deck and the cards will still handle exceptionally. Printed by USPCC on premium Bee Stock. Our juice stand won't be open long -- get yourself a refreshing, durable, and organic box of Squeezers before we run out of our limited run of 2,000!

2018 Release

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Top Notch Theming

First off, the tuck case is stellar. I love that they replicate old school juice boxes as evidenced by the nutrition label on the back of the tuck and even the little "insert straw here" on top of the tuck case. I like the cut up Orange design that makes up the back of the cards. Similar to Slicers deck, the courts are themed after a fruit.This time, it's highlighting oranges. The Ace of spades stands out since it's a pitcher with partially filled orange juice. Definitely a dope deck!

Great companion to the Peelers

I also have the Peelers Playing Cards deck, which is by the same creator, and features bananas on the card backs. So when I saw these, I had to get them. Great handling from Bicycle Playing Cards, and the cards themselves have a vibrant and fresh look on the faces and backs. Good for cardistry too.

Juicy good fun

This is a fun, clever deck. The theme runs through the tuck to most of the cards. The tuck is designed very well to mimic a juice box, down to the ingredients and nutrition label. Love the clever little touches on the courts to reflect the theme and how the red pips are changed to an orange tone. You can see the effort put into this deck to incorporate the theme and yet make it still usable for play, cardistry and magic. Plus as it's by USPCC on Bee stock, the handling is what you would expect.

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