These are some of the best cards of all time. These cards originally funded on Kickstarter, being a collaboration between The Gentleman Wake (TGW) and Stockholm 17(S17), the later of the two being, in my opinion, the most talented artist and playing card designer that I have ever seen. This is the deluxe version. The elaborate stamped tuck boxes with beautiful gold foiling are just the start. The cards have a gorgeous symmetrical back design featuring design elements which pay homage to both TGW and S17. The backgrounds on the card fronts are not your standard white, but rather more of an eggshell color. The ace of spades again pays homage to TGW and S17, although the rest of the aces as well as the spot cards are fairly standard, save for the fact that the index font is, although close to being standard, noticeably different, and a bit bolder. The court cards really shine, as they are "standard-ish", but feature the various royalties holding different items (aside from their traditional weaponry) that are of personal interest to TGW in his own personal life's hobbies and interests. Even the facial features of the king and queen of hearts are those of TGW and The Lady Wake, respectively. The two jokers are completely inspired by the artistry of S17, and the fox and the cat are both pieces of top notch artistry, deserving a frame on the wall all by themselves. The deck also includes a nice ad card and a blank. A great deck all the way, well deserving of five stars!